Friday 13th… Unlucky for some!

On a normal commute to my work, give or take traffic jams etc I can be at Waverley train station in 45 minutes from leaving my house in Ratho – a trip which consists of a bus journey plus a train journey.

On Friday however, my journey time was extended by 2 whole hours due to an accident involving 2 Lothian Buses.

In the village where I stay, there is a badly narrow road leading up to the village, so when 2 large vehicles meet at any point on the narrow part of this road, you can imagine what happens…

Yup… on this occasion, the two Lothian busses had managed to wedge themselves between each other so that they could not physically move until an inspector had come out to asses the damage… and from the picture below you can clearly see what damage has been caused:


Now why some drivers DON’T wait at the bottom of the hill outside Norton House Hotel like they are supposed to is beyond me – I’m hoping that from this fiasco something good will come of it and have drivers think twice about zooming so fast up the hill to be met by another fast on coming vehicle.

You will be pleased to know however I did make my train up to Aberdeen – and even though I am not one for superstition and guff that comes along with it, it did make me think that it could only happen to me on Friday the 13th!

Happy blogging and stay classy


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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