I was just thinking about you!

Yes we have all been there, and no doubt we have uttered the phrase to ourselves ‘I really should make contact with so and so to see how they are doing’

After then uttering that said phrase or thought, more often than not when out and about you bump into said person – that has happened to me countless numbers of times, and yet when it does it makes you feel good doesn’t it? Or at least it should do anyhow.

I had something along that line happen to me today when I was doing my live radio show. Now, I wasn’t admittedly thinking about how the person was doing, as I tend to see updates from them on Social media, and I have been out to visit them so where credit is due I was ok on that front.

I was in the process of laying a song before then going to do a link into the next one, when with about 30 odd seconds to go the studio phone rings. Lone behold when I hear who it is and where they are phoning from, the grin that appears across my face was unreal – I was like a kid on Christmas morning.

We chatted, albeit very briefly as I then had to go to do my next link, but it literally was the best catch up I have ever had – and if I could have chatted longer to the main man in question for longer then I sure would have done.

It’s always nice to chat to someone – particularly if you haven’t spoken or seen them in a long while – it rekindles your friendship with them I think. Something again to be valued and cherished as it may not be about for long.

Happy blogging and stay classy


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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