Time for Change

Experts do say that a time of change can actually be  good thing – I can vouch for this certainly over the last 7 months with the change in my job.

Many of you aren’t aware of this, but even though I did enjoy doing my radio show for 4 years plus working at my local Hotel on top of that – it did after a while all start to be come soooooo repetitive. I was in need of a change (That and probably a holiday where nobody could reach me)

During my Summer holiday last year, I was reflecting on the many undertakings of Life that I was involved with – and the time came for me to make the change, and hope for the best to see where I would land.

Needless to say in doing so, I have landed very firmly on my feet – ok there have been problems, but not as many as I expected there to be whilst undertaking what can really be a massive challenge – taking on a new Career.

Those of you who have seen me since making my move will have seen the sparkle that I now have (that and you all want to be my best pal when I tell you all the benefits that come with my job!) It’s like that I have become a totally different person in making a physically good change for myself – one of which I truly am happy about doing and I don’t think I shall be moving anytime soon – unless there are days and that IS a totally different ball game entirely!

Happy blogging and stay classy


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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