Think before you speak!

Yes – we’ve all been there, opened our mouths to say something and only afterwords realise what we have said is either wrong, dead silly/laughable, or in some cases unthinkable! 

I had one of these situations today – let me tell you about it.

Yours truly was on a double trip to Newcastle and back, and for a Friday, things hadn’t gone to badly. Trains were all running to time and the passengers weren’t complaint. On my final trip home one of the guards on board asked me (very kindly!) if I’d do his announcement that we were arriving at the next station – I clearly obliged and all was fine. 

Later on in this same trip I get asked again if I would make the final announcement before getting of the train at Edinburgh – again I obliged and went to make this announcement. Now it just so happens, that the train I was on was going to Aberdeen – but what does yours truly say on the PA – (yup you’ve guessed it!) that the Train was terminating at Edinburgh! 

It gets better: I then proceed to say that any passengers who were travelling to Aberdeen, should stay on and listed the further calling points of where the Train was going, before then proceeding AGAIN to say that the Trainwas terminating at Edinburgh. 

Now needless to say at this point I hadn’t yet discovered what I had done until I came off the Train and took a wander up to the very front where I met the Guard who proceeded to tell me that the whole of the train had been rather freaked out (and rightly so I’ll admit) about my announcement! 

Having only then realised what I had done – you can probably understand why I felt like a complete idiot and next time I’ll think before I speak – I think it’s also fair to say that I’ll also stay away from the PA for a wee while! 

Happy blogging and stay classy 


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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