Feeling Frustrated

It’s not that often that I take the chance to rant about how bad Edinburgh City Centre traffic gets, but today that happend.

There are several grumps to this story, grump number one starts when my bus from Haddington to Edinburfh gets as far as Magdeline drive and decides to break down – feeling rather annoyed at this and rather than waste my time and wait for another bus to arrive, I went and jumped on after bus round the corner.

Grump Buber two comes when the second bus I jump on stops at EVERY stop imaginable and goes all round the houses to get to town. Eventually we approach London road – to which traffic then starts to get worse, and I mean REALLY bad.

Grump number three comes from when sitting on the bus in traffic, I can see ahead of me the reason for the Jam. I appreciate that the people of Edinburfh decided to revamp the shopping centre that is St James, but why they needed to shut one side of the road to let traffic join forces with the traffic on OUR side heading for Princess street is beyond me! 

Grump number 4 – After going a wonder until traffic started to die down a bit, im now stuck in delays – and at this stage I think it’s time I win the lottery and buy a helicopter as that seems a far quicker option at this moment in time! 

Stay classy and happy blogging


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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