Is that who I think it is?

Do you ever find yourself in a place where you bump into someone who is really famous and you have to double take to actually see if it really is that person? Well that same thing happened to me this afternoon whilst I was out having lunch with a work colleague. 

We had decided to venture to Edinburgh airport for lunch, as many people I know have done this and they tell me that it is a really nice and relaxing thing to do, so I thought why not live a little and go for it. Up the escalator we went as if we were headed towards security, and just before we got there we spotted a very famous chain pub which everyone knows (and loves!) – we sat and chatted whilst enjoying the classic pub gourmet that was served to us! 

After this was consumed (along with our drinks) we decided to nip back downstairs to a another well known coffee chain shop for a bit of rest with an afternoon cuppa. We wander in and order, pick up and head to sit down. As I’m getting rather comfortable in my seat, a person at the till catches my eye, to which at this point I think: ‘No it can’t be him, just leave it’ but no, he turned and it was exactly the person I thought it was from first glance! Result I thought 🙂

The colleague I was with is a fan of him (as am I!) – at this point I lean over to tell him who I have just spotted in the queue – much to my friends astonishment he looks round and the biggest grin appears on his face. At this point I would like to make clear I’m not normally like this when it comes to meeting famous people, but today because I was in such a great mood I don’t know what came over me! We then decide to watch what this particular person is getting up to, he buys a coffee of some description and then goes and sits outside at one of the tables. 

With rather large grins on our faces, I proceed to get up to go and have a chat with this person, and a very nice chat we had – such a lovely guy, and he really is as small in real life as he is on T.V – now I know I haven’t told you who I met today and I bet you are all dieting to know – it was, ladies and gentleman none other than New Year guru himself, Mr Jonathan Watson, the main man behind Only an Excuse – today it would seem really was good

Happy blogging and stay classy


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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