Happy Birthday East Coast FM

With all that’s been going on this week in my life, I always like to take time to sit and reflect upon certain events that have taken place. On this occasion there were two – one on Wednesday and the other today.

Wednesday saw the day that East Coast FM launched on the witless as 107.6FM – that was a day I’ll not forget in a hurray let me tell you. The weather was glorious for a Saturday and we had THE best parade around Haddington that day – Magic! 

Loan behold this was the start of an adventure for yours truly, and it still has been up to now. The list of events that we as a community radio station have attended has been unreal, the amount of listeners that we have listening is also unreal! It really does just keep on getting better and better – and for me I am truly humbled at this

The second of the two events I mentioned happened 3 years ago to this very day. I started presenting ‘Lunchtime’ on East Coast FM from 12 midday until 3pm – you can still find me doing this by the way ( I’ll be expecting you to tune in on Monday!) 

Being honest, I really still didn’t expect to be presenting this long – but I really do love it so I’m not going to leave just yet! It truly is humbling to be in the position I am in – a 24 year old who presents on a local radio station four days a week – what’s not to like about that! 

Thanks for reading. Stay classy and happy blogging


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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2 Responses to Happy Birthday East Coast FM

  1. john mcvicar says:

    do you plan on getting a job in radio or just keep doing the volunteering?

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