Hold that Tram!

Since Transport for Edinburgh introuduced the Trams back in May last year, I was all for it – a nice smooth leisurely ride into town, and a chance to see parts of a route that you don’t normally get to see if you live on a busy bus route. However, this story (second time in a week that this has happened) I’m hoping does not become a regular occurrence.

The village in which I stay means I have to use the tram to get into town, as my bus will only go as far as Slateford ( via some not very nice places if I’m honest!) – this being the case, I can catch the tram at various stations – one being at Gogar (RBS HQ), The Gyle shopping centre and Edinburgh Park station. 

They don’t sit at their stops for very long, so you really do have to be at the stop in plenty of time and be ready with a valid ticket/buss pass so you can be on your way with ease. On this particular day, my bus at Ratho was running late by about 5 minutes, (No surprise there!) which meant that my connections in to town would be somewhat harder to catch.

On driving along the A8 Glasgow Road I am very much aware of what the time is and that my said connecting tram is due at Gogar (a stop I normally use) – on driving passed the stop I see my tram – my next chain of thought being I shall get it at the Gyle (meaning I have to sprint across the main car park to get to that particular stop) – needless to say that didn’t happen due to being stuck in traffic on approach to The Gyle. 

We get through the Gyle and are now racing the Tram into Edinburgh Park business offices, at which point the driver of the bus decides to drive at like 5mph – my quick reaction was to board at Edinburgh Park station (used to use this stop many times but prefer Gogar). I arrive at said station and it’s a race against time to board, I run up a few sets of stairs, across a bridge and down some more flights of stairs before eventually approach the sitting Tram. I hear the doors go ‘beep’ to initial their closing, and I think to myself at this point: I’m there! But no, I hit the button on the door to board and what happens: the said Tram goes ‘ding’ and drives away!! 

At this said point I was not a happy bunny – Trams really do need to hold longer so that situations like this don’t occur again for yours truly! As mentioned this is the second time that this has happened to me and it has made me rather grumpy (You can tell)
Happy blogging


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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