Promised you a Miracle

Evening bloggers,

I do hope this post finds you all well. I have some news to share with you – let me fill you in.

First of, I would like to start with this from Nicky Gumble which appeared on my Social media feeds this evening as I had finished work.

It’s so true in every sense of the word over the past 3 and a half years for one of my friends, who sadly has been having to deal with the effects of Long Covid. See my previous post if you want filled in on the details.

It’s all change though…

One Sunday night I was coming out of an evening Church service in Edinburgh, where I happened to bump into two friends who were at another one of my friends birthday bash back in the middle of March this year.

During our chats they were explaining to me that Erik had had a dream and was feeling much better. Now naturally I didn’t know what to think at this point, but one thing was for certain – I wanted to know more.

A few days later I was doing a radio show and had some spare time so I started texting Erik to see how he was, thinking it would be a while before I heard back from him – how wrong I was.

5 mins later a text from him appeared, informing me of this dream he had had and that he believed he had been healed from the effects of Long Covid which he had been living with for the past 3 and a half years.

I know, you’re as shocked and bamboozled as I am. Actually I still cry about it to be honest. Having seen what this man has been through over the past few years it really is truly remarkable that he has pulled through it. He literally has been through Hell (his words not mine) and yet with faith, prayer, love and support from friends and family this miracle happens.

I have got my old pal back. Something I have been wanting since this whole thing started.

In my 32 years on planet Earth, I have read about miracles taking place and I have even been told about Miracles happening, but I didn’t think that I would see 2 in the same year let me tell you…

Since this has happened, well we literally have gone all out as a group. And it really has been truly amazing.

Happy blogging

Stay classy


About w3llsy

Full time 25 year old Christian who works for Virgin Trains East Coast. A radio man at heart plus I'm a Jambo (Hearts FC fan in case anyone is wondering)
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